Здобувачі вищої освіти групи Ang1-M24 факультету іноземної філології спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Мова та зарубіжна література (англійська) Кам’янець-Подільського університету імені Івана Огієнка беруть участь у навчальному курсі програми ЄС eTwinning «Project-Based Learning with eTwinning & Erasmus+ for Interculturality», який проводить Штутгартський університет (м. Штутгарт, Німеччина). Курс триває з 24 жовтня 2024 року до 6 лютого 2025 року та має на меті розвиток навичок проєктного навчання, міжкультурної комунікації та співпраці студентів з різних країн.

Цей курс є важливим етапом професійного розвитку майбутніх педагогів, оскільки надає можливість працювати в міжнародних командах, обмінюватися досвідом з учасниками з різних культур і розвивати навички, необхідні для реалізації освітніх проєктів у глобальному контексті. Студенти, які беруть участь у програмі, отримують доступ до сучасних освітніх технологій та інструментів, що сприяють їхньому розвитку як фахівців. Учасники курсу також активно діляться своїми враженнями від спільної роботи в міжнародних командах, обміну досвідом і вдосконалення навичок міжкультурної комунікації:
- Вероніка Овчарук: «When I heard about the eTwinning program, I realized that it was a great opportunity that I shouldn’t miss. This course truly broadens my perspective and helps me grow as a future teacher. Each session is an opportunity to collaborate with peers from different countries, exchange ideas, and work on a shared goal. It’s amazing to see how teamwork and creativity come together to create something meaningful. I particularly enjoy the interactive nature of the program. We complete tasks, learn new skills, and constantly communicate with our team members. It’s exciting to connect with students and teachers from different cultural backgrounds and learn about their experiences»;
- Олена Самар: «The eTwinning program helps us gain new knowledge but also teaches how to work in teams with people from different cultures, which is very valuable. During one session, we had the chance to hear from two amazing speakers. Anne Laaredj-Campbell shared interesting projects and her own experience, which was very inspiring. Zack Symchych from Ukraine told us about his online school project, which was modern and useful. It was exciting to see a Ukrainian representative sharing such great ideas. We were also lucky to have Marvin Schultz from Altissia as a guest speaker. He showed us the language support tools on the Altissia platform, which were very helpful. This site (https://www.altissia.org/) Special thanks to our teacher, Richard Powers, who supports us in every class. He invites amazing speakers and introduces us to modern tools: https://pixabay.com/photos/smilies-fun-happy-smile-2495082/ The eTwinning program is a fantastic way to learn and connect with the world. It’s a program that truly inspires and motivates us to achieve more every day!»;
- Катя Пентюк: «Initially, it felt like a bit of a challenge for me, as I was confused due to my lack of prior experience with such programs. However, over the past seven weeks, I have gained much more confidence, and now I eagerly look forward to our weekly conferences. These sessions provide a space to share experiences, acquire new knowledge, receive feedback, and improve our speaking skills. The atmosphere during our conferences is warm and friendly. I am working on a project with my groupmates from Ukraine, Germany, and Italy. We stay in regular contact, communicate via WhatsApp, hold meetings on Google Meet, and steadily progress on our project titled “Storytelling for Children.” This experience has not only broadened my perspective but also strengthened my intercultural and teamwork skills»;
- Катя Грицькова: «As a Ukrainian master’s student from Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, I was thrilled to join the eTwinning course for the first time. The introduction week was a warm welcome to an exciting international community. The session about the course structure and how to register in eTwinning was well-organized and clear.
Learning about Project-Based Learning (PBL) was fascinating. Comparing projects with true PBL clarified how to design meaningful learning experiences. It was great meeting my group of Ukrainians and Germans, and the teamwork felt promising. We deepened our understanding of PBL and outlined our project. The guest session on digital tools was insightful, and our group made excellent progress in structuring our TwinSpace and project framework. Richard Powers’ insights on structuring virtual learning spaces were invaluable. My group submitted our first progress report, and it was rewarding to see how far we had come. The focus then shifted to Erasmus+ funding and toolkit formats. Although there were sometimes no Zoom classes, the asynchronous activities were engaging. My group is refining our project and working on the eTwinning platform now. I feel increasingly confident navigating international educational projects».
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